Family Support Coordinators are required by Medicaid to conduct face-to-face meetings with each family on a quarterly basis.

  • Meetings must be held once each quarter (every three months)
  • The child Must be seen during the face-to-face meeting
  • Documentation must describe that IFSP issues were discussed and what future actions are needed.


Part C Law requires a review of the IFSP at least six months after the initial development of the IFSP.  The following activities should be achieved during this review of the IFSP:

  • Review of progress reports provided by the team members
  • Review of the IFSP outcomes and progress made toward their accomplishments as well as the need of modifications to or an addition of new outcomes to address the family’s’ concerns and child’s development.
  • Discussion of how the team communicates with each other about the child’s progress and concerns.
  • The FSC and the family facilitate documentation of the team review, the 6 Month Review of the IFSP. Review includes the input and participation of other IFSP team members.


Continuing eligibility is determined annually, prior to the annual evaluation of the IFSP, the IFSP team serves as the Eligibility Team.  Family Service Coordinators should begin preparing for the annual IFSP meeting:

  • No more than 60 days prior to the annual IFSP date.
  • No later than 45 days before that date.


The need to revise the IFSP may be requested by the parent or any of the early intervention service providers.  Changes should only be considered:

  • After there has been enough time for the child and family to adjust to new providers
  • There has been adequate time for the child to practice and learn the new skills
  • Whenever the child or family demonstrates a need for changes to the IFSP

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